Living The Lord’s Prayer

Living The Lord’s Prayer

I can’t say ‘Our’ if I think heaven excludes my enemies.

I can’t say ‘Father’ if I’ve disowned Him.

I can’t say ‘which art in heaven’ if I’m not laying up treasure there.

I can’t say ‘Hallowed be thy name’ if I’m contentedly unholy.

I can’t say ‘Thy kingdom come’ if I’m not advancing His cause.

I can’t say ‘Thy will be done’ if I disobey any of His commands.

I can’t say ‘in earth, as it is in heaven’ if I am not devoted to His service.

I can’t say ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ if I’m living on past experiences.

I can’t say ‘Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors’ if I nurture a grudge against anyone.

I can’t say ‘Lead us not into temptation’ if I place myself where I’ll be tempted.

I can’t say ‘Deliver us from evil’ if I don’t use the defence of prayer.

I can’t say ‘Thine is the kingdom’ if I’m not a loyal subject.

I can’t say ‘Thine is the power’ if I weaken His cause.

I can’t say ‘Thine is the glory’ if I’m seeking glory for myself.

I can’t say ‘for ever’ if my plans are bound to time and circumstance.

I can’t say ‘Amen’ if I don’t surrender all, because living the Lord’s Prayer costs everything.

Author Unknown