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In the Bible: Gen 1:29; Exodus 15:26; 20; Lev 11; 3:17; Deut 8:8; 29:18; Prov 3:1-8; 4:20-27; 17:22; 23:29-35; Isaiah7:14-16; Daniel 1; Luc 1:15; Rom 5:5; 12:1-2; 14:21; 1Corin 6:19-20; 7:19; 13; 1Thess 5:23; 3John 2-4

NEW START: Nutrition, Exercise (1 hour/day or every 2 days months), Water, Sun, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust in God

Catherine Kousmine : Save your Body, Robert Laffont Edition

Rules to follow in order to correct fundamentally our modern feeding

  1. The nature of the fat
  2. The rations of sugar and meat which should be decreased
  3. The return to complete cereal

We must follow these rules all the more the health is bad

No hydrogenated vegetable fat (margarine, marge)

Few animals fat, including butter, in the end, we doesn’t agree with 50 g of butter per day and more = butter consumed as it is (uncooked) + butter of the milk (= 40 g per liter) + butter of the cheese (= 40 g %) + fat of the meat (10-35 g % according to the piece). 10 to 30 g per day are tolerated (but not at all for the sick). No alcohol, No tobacco, No exciting drink (coffee, tea, Coca-Cola). Few sugar (to prefer brown sugar and honey to raffinated white sugar). White sugar you will eliminate. Avoid “light” products, with sweetener. Pay attention to hided sugar: chewing gum, chocolates, ice cream, fizzy drink, confectionery, and sweets. Few salt (to prefer sea salt). The only essential (necessary) greasy substance (glyceride) per 24 hours: 1 to 2 tablespoonful, that is to say 6 teaspoonful of cold pressed oil (under 40° (or 104 F), non-deodorized, non–prewarmed, uncooked (in salad, on cereal, on potatoes) and bought in health-food shops (sunflower oil, linseed oil, germ of wheat oil, walnut oil, oenothera (evening primerose) oil (close quickly). Keep the oil in the fridge (refrigerator).

Not to drink during the meal or very few, better 15 minutes before and 2 hours after (liquid dissolves gastric juices). Drink 1 ½ liter of water per day (between the meals); avoid fizzy drink (make acid). Overuse vitamin C.

If possible, fruits, vegetables, cereals, eggs, milk, and meat from the organic agriculture.

BREAKFAST: to say grace + herbal tea + Budwig cream, according to the following recipe: 2 coffeespoonful of linseed oil + 4 coffeespoonful of low-fat soft white cheese (fromage blanc); to beat it (whip) up in cream with a fork in a bowl or in a mixer, according to the quantity desired. The healthy can replace linseed oil by the sunflower oil. The oil must disappear and the obtained emulsion must be white. Add the juice of a half lemon per ration, mashed a well ripe banana, or honey, 1 or 2 teaspoonful of oleaginous seeds freshly grinded in an electric coffee mill (you have the choice between linseed, sunflower, or sesame, almond, nuts, walnuts, etc..), 2 coffeespoonful (or more) of complete cereal freshly grinded and uncooked (you have the choice between oats, or barley, complete rice, buckwheat…) and fresh fruits of the season. We can take all thes ingredients seperatly during the day.

LUNCH: to say grace + uncooked fruits and vegetables, at the beginning of the meal. Salad with cold pressed oil (green leafs every day). Varied vegetables, cooked with sweet vapour (not more than 90° (or 200 F), in a saucepan with a basket). Lean meats and fishes, Soja (vegetable meat.). Eat DAILY complete cereal (oats, barley, complete rice, wheat, rye, corn, millet, buckwheat) and potatoes every 2 days.

EVENING: to say grace + light meal without meat.

-To make periodically a cure of 4 weeks of germinated wheat or green soja (2 coffespoonful per person in the salad)

-Laxative: oats, wheat, rye, linseed, complete bread, honey, figs, prunes, cooked apples, orange juice, grapes

-Constipate: rice, stale bread, zwiebacks, bananas, uncooked apples, carottes, blueberries (whortleberry), and quinces

-Make bread with fresh grinded wheat, with a millstone. Use leaven (no yeast).

May your food be your medicine (drug)

-The meals: morning, 10hh00, Lunch, 16h00, Evening (for liver disease, normally the liver needs 5 hours of rest between each meal, 3 meals per day. Continual work makes the liver tired)

-1 g vit C per day

-Uncooked eggs (two per week) have antibiotic action (purify it some seconds with vapour)

-Masticate (with an empty stomach) every morning 1 tablespoonful of virgin sunflower oil (first: 1 teaspoonful of sunflower oil, and after: 1 tablespoonful when the habit is taken), to spit out, and to rinse out one’s mouth.

-To control the pH of urine, not the first urine of the morning (always acid), if acid à to eat basic salts

Rectal Injection

-Make every evening (to fast this evening or light meal) of these 3 days (1or 3 times per week; during a period of 2 to 6 months, according to the pathology), an enema (or rectal injection) with 2 liters of water (in one time, at the temperature of the body: 37° (98.6 F)) with Camillosan (Kamilosan Liquidum). On all fours, in the bathtub. Put the liquid 50 cm above you and avoid siphon. Do massages with the hand (as you practise scales on the piano) of the colon, from the lower part (near pubis), to the descending, transverse, ascending colon, and press on every strong balls or rigid part (this is deposit of faeces that must be eliminated). At the end of the rectal injection, go to the toilet and you will evacuate by waves during about 20 minutes.

-Then to instil into the rectum 50-60 ml of virgin sunflower oil with a syringe. Put the syringue under warmed water (30-35 ° (86-95 F) or put the oil into a bowl that you have prewarmed with hot water. Push the rectal catheter as far as possible, put you on the right side. Empty the syringe. Not to stand up. So the oil is going on the wall of the transverse colon. After some instillation the oil is no more reabsorbed during the night. So we can space out the instillation but continue the rectal injection. (1 instillation every 2, 3 then 4 rectal injections)

-After put a protection for the night.

-This treatment can be done during 8-10 days, at the beginning of immediate therapy, for example: multiple sclerosis, cancer. If it’s a disease without rise, 2 times per week. We must do that 2-4 months in order to have a real therapeutic action.

-Choose positive people who don’t bring diseases, bad thoughts, and bad habits

-Put on the liver a hot washcloth with a hot-water bottle and cover it with a bathroom linen (towel)

Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; make this your very first work. Let your prayer be, “Take me, O Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service. Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in Thee.” This is a daily matter. Each morning consecrate yourself to God for that day. Surrender all your plans to Him, to be carried out or given up as His providence shall indicate. Thus day by day you may be giving your life and will into the hands of God, and thus your life will be molded more and more after the life of Christ.


1st day:

-Carottes juices: 4 glasses with 1 teaspoonful of sunflower oil

+ Mixed juices of beetroot, apples, carottes (change the proportions)

+ Blackcurrant juice (for the detoxification of the liver)

Avoid tomato, orange,

No full fat-cheese, no butter

2nd day:
-As the 1st day + fruits (banana, avocado, papaya, mango, persimon,….)

3rd day:
-As the 2nd day + 1 or 2 Budwig cream for the breakfast and lunch


-A day of juice per week
-A day of juice + fruits per week and 1 or 2 Budwig

-Otherwise always Budwig for the breakfast, lunch as it is written above.

Exodus 15:26; 2Chronicles 16:12; Psalms 41.3; 103:3; 116:16; 147:3; Isaiah 41:9-10; 53; 59:19; Jeremiah 29:11; Matthew 4:24; 7:7-11; 8:17; 14:30-31; 21:22; 26:39-41; Mark 1:34; 5:26; 8:43; 9:22-24; 16:16; Luke 4:40; 11:5-13; 22:42; Galat 2:19-20 (NOT I BUT CHRIST); Philip 4:13; 1Thessal 5:17; Titus 2:11-14; Hebrew 4:15-16; 7:25; 11:34; 1Peter 5:7; Jude 24-25

The will …is the choice; the deciding power

Numbers 6

24 Que l'Eternel te bénisse, et qu'il te garde!

24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

25 Que l'Eternel fasse luire sa face sur toi, et qu'il t'accorde sa grâce!

25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

26 Que l'Eternel tourne sa face vers toi, et qu'il te donne la paix!

26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Amen.

With Agape-Love Sebastian.