Choose Jesus

Are you forever searching for some meaning in your life?
No matter which direction you go, you’re always facing strife.
You’re looking for some peace of mind that you can’t seem to find.
It can’t be found in alcohol or pills of any kind.

Never feel you’re unworthy because of anything you’ve done.
By shedding His blood on Calvary, He fought your battle and He won.
The grave was unable to hold Him, for He arose and lives today.
Your sins can be forgiven ~ for by His death He paved the way.

The final choice is up to you, and He waits to hear you say,
"I choose Jesus as my Savior," then all your sins, He’ll wash away.
Bad habits that now hold you will be but memories from the past.
For when you’re high on Jesus, it’s a high that always lasts.
Satan wants you kept in bondage ~ let Jesus loose you today.
And those the Father gives to Him, no force can take away.
You’ll bear fruits of His Spirit as He showers you with His love.
Choose Jesus! Become a child of God and an heir of Heaven above.

(C) 2004 - Alle rechten voorbehouden

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