He is able

He promised He wouldn't put upon us,
More than we could bear.
But it's so easy for worries to pile up
Until we're so filled with care.

Yet I know that He is able,
To take our worries and make them small.
So no matter what things we fear
He can take care of them all!

All we do is trust in Him.
He always knows what's best.
Let Him lead and we will see,
He will pass us through each test.

Lord, just now my faith does falter.
I don't know what lies ahead.
But I know that you will be there.
You will do just what You said.

So hold me up when I stumble.
Give me strength when I would fall.
I know Your grace will be sufficient
When upon Your name I call!

My heart is filled with love for You.
I want to serve You every day.
Help me to do what You want me to
I want to please You in every way!

~ Dot Wilson ~

Through the Storm
The Lord is thy Light


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