
Words often seem like little things
And yet they mean so very much
Depending on the use of words
They can hurt or cheer one up.

How often do you choose your words
With caution and great care.
Or, do you speak them carelessly
Not thinking, unaware.

Of how they cut and mutilate
The pain goes deep within,
Because we see the use of words
As dust blown in the wind.

Scattered here and scattered there
To hurt the one who may
Without a thought, so innocently
Happen in the way.

Now this is not intentional
Oh, No! we wouldn’t dare
To be so thoughtless to our friends
That would be quite unfair.

Remember words are precious
They are Treasures to employ,
For spreading words among those we greet,
Much happiness and Joy

By Sharon Elaine Carpenter
© Copyright BECP Ministries

A Rose
When things go wrong as they sometimes will;


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