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Life in the Spirit
Boys are strange creatures. When they are young, parents often have to
develop rules related to the brushing of teeth, the combing of hair,
and the washing of necks. I still remember having read in a comic strip
about a boy whose mother caught him lying about his bath because the
soap wasn't wet. To my mind that was very useful information.
Thereafter whenever an adult told me to take a bath I always made sure
the soap was wet, even if I hadn't used it.

Then came the big turning point in my life. I overheard the girl I had
fallen for describing to her friend a guy who grossed her out because
he had green on his teeth and smelled like sweat. That did it. It was
the turning point in my sanitary life. Toothbrushing and two showers a
day of about 20 to 30 minutes each (with lots of soap and shampoo)
became the order of the day. Now I had become a problem to the family
in another way. With six of us sharing the same bathroom, I was hogging
the shower.

Why the radical change? I had fallen in "love," and nothing could stop
me. I was keeping clean because I wanted to, not because Mom was going
to punish me if I disobeyed.

Something like that happens when we come to Christ. In the past, Paul
tells the Romans, they had been held captive to the condemnation of the
law. People may have done their best to keep it in order to escape
punishment, but their best was never good enough. Slaves to the law,
they had no security or genuine peace with God.

But things changed when they realized the fullness of the gospel,
including what God had done for them through Christ. At that point
obedience became a response to love. It was transforming love empowered
by God's Holy Spirit.

Christians may be free from the bondage of the law, but that freedom
does not mean liberty to do what the law forbids (see Rom. 6:1, 15;
3:31). Freedom from the law does not offer license to sin. Just the
opposite. For the first time in their lives, those who have become
Christians are truly able to keep the law, since they have been reborn
by the Holy Spirit. Now they no longer face the law as a dour legalist,
but as one who is in love and can say with David, "O how I love thy
law" (Ps. 119:97, RSV).

Debating With God

Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it
to pass. -- Ps. 37:5, NKJV.
I was in a rush to leave because I was late leaving for work. However,
a friend stopped me in the hall; I could sense she needed to talk to
someone. So I forgot the time and attentively listened to what she had
to tell me. It was all about family problems-she didn't think her
husband loved her anymore. I tried to assure her that her husband still
loved her and the children, but he was not thinking right. Satan had
darkened his vision and clogged his thinking with self. Isn't this how
Satan traps us?

We talked for almost an hour. A friend reminded me, "Hey, you're late
to work."

"I know, but it's OK," I responded. I knew God wanted me to stop and

Then I rushed to my car. I realized I was really late. I put the key
into the ignition and fairly flew. A few minutes later I was stopped
by-you guessed it-the highway patrol. I handed over my license and my
registration. The consequence? A fine of $135.

As I drove on, I debated with God. Lord, if I hadn't stayed to talk to
one of Your children who needed someone to listen to her, I would not
have driven so fast and would not have gotten this ticket. Why did You
allow it, Lord? Next time maybe I shouldn't mind Your "on-the-spot"

Then for a moment I kept silent and gave God a chance to respond. He
spoke to me through my mind and heart saying, "But, Jem, don't you see?
Satan has clouded your mind. He wants you to believe that you can do
good at one time and be excused from your wrong doings another time.
You're trapped in Satan's device-self. Just think of those who would be
hurt if you don't follow the rules. Next time take time to ask Me, and
in doing so you will block Satan's effort to becloud your mind."

As our verse reminds us: "Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in
Him, and He shall bring it to pass."

That is my prayer for today. Bless those with whom I come in contact
and help my mind to remain clear for Your guidance in all

Where Is Your Focus?

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee. Isa. 26:3.
Never had I been in so much turmoil! Things were not going well with
our business. My husband felt he had made the right choices, but they
had gone sour, and now we faced some pretty awful consequences. I was
angry with him and with God for letting it happen, and angry with
myself that I had not been firmer about refusing to sign some papers
that had gotten us to this point. But there was absolutely nothing I
could do.

Now I was trying to go to sleep, and sleep would not come. I tossed and
turned. The more I thought of all that could happen to us, the more
upset I became, and the more sleep evaded me. I was actually ill, and I
am sure that my normally low blood pressure had gone sky-high.

I kept praying as I lay there that the Lord would bring a resolution to
our financial problems, and that in His time and in His way we would
come through it all without losing our home, which was also my mother's

It seemed that the more I prayed and focused on the problem, the more
agitated I became. Finally, I prayed a simple prayer that the Lord
would help me to quit focusing on the problem and focus on Him instead.

I could not believe how quickly the peace came. Suddenly my mind was
flooded with promises that God would never leave us or forsake us, and
that He would give us a peace, not as the world does, but His peace. No
matter what the future held, He would be there to see us through. I
began to relax and soon drifted off the sleep. In the morning when I
woke I felt a true peace in trusting that God truly would lead us
through this terrible time.

I wish I could tell you that from then on I had no more anxiety or
worries about the situation. I can tell you that every time I started
to get upset I would pray this little prayer: Lord, keep me focused on
You, and not the problem. And every time He would fill my mind with
beautiful promises of His love and guidance. I cannot thank Him enough
for that wonderful peace of mind that only He can give when we focus on

Lord, Save Me!

But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to
sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. Matt. 14:30.
My prayer was "Lord, teach me to walk on water." So He sent us to
Portland, Oregon, where it rains all the time and one literally walks
on water. One writer said it is so wet in the Northwest that moss grows
on the north side of his dog. When I had prayed that prayer, I had
meant for a nice, calm lake-not too deep-right near home in Memphis,
Tennessee. Instead He sent me on a faith-building adventure.

Walking on water meant living by faith, not by sight. Our family income
dropped dramatically as the expenses for our necessities rose beyond
our ability to meet them. Like Peter struggling toward Jesus among the
waves, I saw myself sinking. Lord, save me!

At the time of this writing we have lived in Oregon for nearly six
years. During this time we have sold a house, bought a house, kept
three children in parochial school, bought a new van, and never missed
a payment on anything. Incredibly, we have never had the money to do
any of these things.

I don't get a sense from the Bible story that Jesus made a mad dash to
Peter to rescue him from the watery deep when he prayed "Lord, save
me." He simply gave Him a hand. Jesus was close by with His eyes on
Peter all the time.

Though much of my learning to walk on water was spent splashing about
in doubt, fear, anxiety, and tears, Jesus was always close by. When I
look back on this faith adventure, it is clear that He has brought us
out of the deep even when I felt there was absolutely no way of escape.
What is more, I still face the same financial challenges, but I am not
as anxious, fearful, or fretful. I am calmly expecting His help, His
blessing, just as He has provided in the past. I am learning that
"sometimes God calms the storm; sometimes He lets it rage and calms His

Thank You, Lord, for taking such excellent care of me and my family.
Thank You for patiently teaching me that You are reliable, faithful to
Your promises, and always careful of all our needs. I love You. Amen.