
AGP is an Advent-Christian media-organization which has it's links with the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Holland. Workers and volunteers of AGP Networks are members and/ or agree with it's mission, teachings and message. However AGP is not an organisational part of The SDA Church of Holland
Copyright 2000 - 2020 AGP React Internet - This website contains portions of other organisations, they are themselves responsible for their own pages, use of materials and links does not automatically means that AGP approves of the content of the pages concerned
1996 -2020 AGP - The Advent Gospel Promotions , AGP React, AGP News, AGP Events, AGP Internet AGP Evangelism, AGP FM & AGP TV are part of AGP. AGP's Goal is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ Jesus by means of the media (Radio, TV & Internet) and by evangelistic Projects,